In 2023, Digital Wave marked our 30th anniversary. To celebrate, we’re sharing a bit about our past and excitement for our future, as well as highlighting some of the people who make Digital Wave what it is today.

A Journey Through Digital Evolution

From the start, Digital Wave recognized the internet as the merging of communication and technology in a novel form. Before user experience was a term, we considered the user as the center from which to build websites, technical interfaces, and later e-learning solutions. Rather than simply building flashy (and sometimes Flash-based!) interfaces, we always asked why users were there and what they hoped to achieve. Using the internet as the bedrock, we helped usher countless clients into this new way of thinking and empowered them with custom solutions the meet their needs as well as the needs of their users.

When we were founded, the internet as a commercial tool wasn’t fully understood. We evolved and adapted through the dot-com bubble, Web 2.0, a merger, and numerous browsers and content management systems. Fundamentally, though, a few things have never changed.

(Fun fact: A solution we built almost 20 years ago is still in use, and only now has the client asked for our help to update it. Now that’s future proofing!)

Building a Community, Shaping a Culture

Another fundamental element of Digital Wave is the community behind it. From our founders, James Horigan and Tony Rose, to every team member hired since, Digital Wave is as much about our employees as we are about the solutions we’ve created. Don’t take our word for it. In talking to our team members, they all mentioned each other as being an important part of what shapes our culture.

“I have worked a lot of places and in many industries, and I can tell you that the atmosphere and camaraderie that we enjoy at DWT is unique and a real treasure,” says Ginny Campbell, Office Manager and Digital Wave employee for 20+ years.

After three decades, it still feels like we’re just getting started. We couldn’t have predicted all the twists, but we’ve adapted and supported each other and our clients. We plan to do the same for the next 30 years.