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By: Lamar Goodenough

Digital Wave Retreat, May 2024

Digital Wave's annual retreat brought our employees from across the country together to work, play, and recharge for the next year.

Airplane on the ground with sky in the background

Magic in the Midwest: Appreciating Airline Apps that Work

When your app works well, accurately, and in a timely manner, it might as well be magic.

illustration of a diverse collection of early career physicians

Creating an Online Home for Early Career Physicians

How do you create an online home for early career physicians? Digital Wave partnered with ABIM to present at the annual ABMS conference.

The Gift of User Assurance

Giving users assurance that they actually completed a task keeps them happy and saves them the time and stress of verifying their success.

Non-Violent UX

Using Non-Violent Communication to resolve user experience conflicts and create non-violent UX to enrich everyone’s lives.

ABMS 2017 – “DIY” Usability Testing for Medical Board Websites

Medical Board websites are critical touch points where physicians go to learn about, obtain, and maintain their certifications. User research is...

“Put Me In, Coach!”

A successful web presence takes teamwork.

User Research: Learning from Our Web Users

User research and participation are critical to helping medical boards support doctors through the process of obtaining and managing their certifications....

UX Research Starter Kit

5 questions that will shape your UX research efforts